Finland, Japan team up to develop 6G research

       Finland, Japan team up to develop 6G                                             research

Around the world, 5G connections are being established as operator after operator works quickly to either roll it out or refine it.
While the fifth generation of mobile networks has become the aim for many countries around the world, major telecom operators have begun to plan for 6G.

On Tuesday, industry groups from Japan and Finland announced a joint research project to develop the sixth generation of mobile networks in order to compete with Chinese companies that have already begun developing 6G standards. Both countries will collaborate through the Finnish6GFlagship research programme coordinated by the University of Oulu and the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs' Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium.

The 6G Flagship and the Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium are jointly collaborating on 6G research and development. “The goal is to significantly contribute to the worldwide standardization and regulatory development of 6G technology,” said the University of Oulu in a statement.

This collaboration follows a $4.5 billion commitment made by both Japan and the United States in April to enhance next-generation communications technologies. Extending cooperation to "third-countries" to develop secure connection is considered as beneficial in the struggle with China to define global norms.

6G Flagship is a research, development, and innovation programme supported by the Academy of Finland and the University of Oulu that will run from 2018 to 2026.


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